The Writing Place

The Writing Place is a tutoring service sponsored by the English Department. Students come to the Writing Place to work with peer tutors on specific writing tasks, including brainstorming ideas for college writing assignments, organizing rough drafts, revising, editing, and doing library research. The Writing Place tutors are students who take a course that prepares them to provide effective feedback and assistance. Specific materials and computer resources are available in the Writing Place to supplement class instruction and develop composition skills.

The Writing Place schedules students for 30 or 60-minute appointments, depending upon students’ needs. Students may schedule up to two appointments on a weekly basis for each writing assignment if desired. While we do try to accommodate drop-in appointments, we strongly encourage students to book tutoring sessions in advance. Students may be referred to the Writing Place by their instructor or can request an appointment by using the link provided on this page. Students may contact the Writing Place Coordinator for more information, questions, concerns, and/or appointments.

Thanks for your interest! We look forward to meeting you and supporting you in your writing tasks and ventures!

Schedule an Appointment 

Schedule an appointment at the Writing Place

We strongly encourage you to make an appointment ahead of time to guarantee your session. Tutors are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

View the schedule for all hours of availability.


The Writing Place
Room N-311, Phone: 617-936-1948

On campus hours
Monday- Thursday 10 a.m.- 5 p.m.
Additional hours will be added to the schedule by Monday, September 23.
Remote synchronous tutoring also available.
Please check our schedule for a complete listing of tutoring availability.

Schedule an appointment

Writing Place Coordinator: Professor Jennifer Cohn
Office: B300E
Phone: 617-228-3250