Transfer Workshops

“Talking Transfer Workshops” Office Hours

Do you have questions about transfer? Would you like to learn more about the transfer resources offered at BHCC? Drop-in to our open office hours to learn more about our resources and “talk transfer”

Register for Talking Transfer


The workshops introduce students to free BHCC resources they can use to make connections between their goals and four-year colleges.

These workshops are 75 minutes long and are held virtually and on-campus. 

Join us for a workshop by signing-up in advance!

Transfer 101 – Prepare and Explore | 0-30 credits

Transfer 101’s focus on the first two stages of transferring: Planning and Exploring. Students will receive an overview of statewide transfer programs and incentives, attaining academic potential, how to transfer credits, searching for colleges, and other resources to clarify the transfer process. We customize workshops for Pathways, Competitive Colleges, and Preparing for Transfer Week.

Recommended for students with 0-30 credits and who are learning about transferring for the first time and who are. It’s never too early to begin thinking about transfer!

 Register for In-Person Transfer 101 Workshop
 Register for Remote Transfer 101 Workshop

Transfer 102 – Apply and Decide | 31 – 60 credits

Transfer 102 will focus on the final two stages of transferring: Applying and Deciding. Recommended for students who have attended Transfer 101 Workshop. Topics that will be covered include: applying to four-year colleges and making informed decisions on which colleges to attend, requesting letters of recommendations, writing your transfer essays, and using the Common Application.

Recommended for students with 31-60 credits.

Register for In-Person Transfer 102 Workshop
Register for Remote Transfer 102 Workshop

Paying for College

This workshop is designed for students who want to apply for scholarships or understand how to fund your degree. It is recommended for students who are planning or have already applied to a four-year institution, but is not required.

Register for In-Person Paying for College Workshop

Transfer Essay

The essay is a critical part of the four-year college application for competitive colleges. It is an opportunity for you to personalize your application beyond the grades and other information you have provided. Join BHCC faculty and staff to discuss ways to craft your best college essay.

Register for In-Person Transfer Essay Workshop

Transfer Application Day Open Session (In Person)

Are you about to graduate? Working on transfer applications? Join our Transfer Application Sessions! These workshop are designed to assist students in completing their four-year college applications. Facilitators will overview the entire application process, ensuring students have a clear understanding of the requirements and steps involved. Students may use this time to complete the Common Application or other college applications, write their transfer essay, collect application materials, and have individual concerns addressed.

Register for In-Person Transfer Application Day Open Session


Charlestown Campus, Room N-210