What are Open Educational Resources?
Open Educational Resources (OERs) are any type of educational materials that are available in the public domain or published under open licenses such as "Creative Commons." These open licenses indicate how materials can be used, reused, adapted, shared, and modified according to specific needs.
Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) offers several courses that use Open Education Resources (OER). Since first establishing “Open Education” offerings in 2017, BHCC has expanded its offerings to be more inclusive by grounding its OER work in a framework of equity and cultural wealth.
Our Vision
To offer students current, quality, and culturally relevant materials at the lowest possible cost.
Learn More About OER
Testimonial from Faculty
"(S)elfishly for me as a professor, there's also the creativity piece and that it gives me a lot of freedom and flexibility to find materials that reflect our students that are not just about but created by people with different racial and ethnic backgrounds, different linguistic backgrounds, and also that I can make the materials up to date."
Jennifer Valdez is a Professor and the Chairperson of the BHCC’s for-credit Academic English Language Learning Department. From the BHCC OER Podcast #2