News Brief

President Eddinger on “Food for Thought”

Friday, June 9, 2017

In an article titled “Food for Thought” for The Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) online publication ACCT Now Trustee Quarterly: Perspectives, Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) President Pam Eddinger points to hunger and homelessness as the next hurdles for community colleges when it comes to retention and student success. A recent report released by the Wisconsin HOPE Lab and the Association of Community College Trustees found that two thirds of students struggle with food insecurity and one third are regularly hungry. The same survey was conducted at BHCC echoing similar results.

In the article, Eddinger describes the necessary steps BHCC is taking to address food insecurity and homelessness on campus, including the organization of a statewide convening on the issue. On May 5, 2017, BHCC hosted Voices of Hunger on Campus. The event gathered area colleges, field experts, local government officials and various partners and community organizations to develop strategies for addressing the growing hunger and homelessness issue on college campuses. Eddinger concluded that the group emerged from the event with a renewed sense of urgency and commitment, but also the realization that "it will take time to build long-term solutions. We are in it for the long haul.”
Read Trustee Quarterly: Perspective the article in ACCT Now online.
Learn more about the Voices of Hunger on Campus event and the BHCC Hunger Team.

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