Library Policies

BHCC Library Regulations

BHCC Library Patron Responsibilities

  • The Library maintains and provides a quiet working atmosphere; please refrain from disruptive behavior in all parts of the Library.
  • Some areas of the library are designated as “quiet areas.” In these areas, conversation should be kept to a low level. Other areas of the library are designated as “silent zones.” In these areas, silence should be maintained.
  • Cell phones should be placed on vibrate or silent. Talking on cell phones and electronic devices is not permitted anywhere in the library, including the corridors and the areas outside the bathrooms.
  • Respect library materials and remove items from the Library only after checking them out.
  • Take your bags and personal items with you when you leave the Library. After 30 minutes, the Library reserves the right to contact Campus Security to have them investigate the bags left behind.
  • The Library is not responsible for items left unattended. Abandoned items may be sent to the campus lost and found in Student Activities (D106).
  • Beverages in closed or covered containers are permitted in the Library. Open food, open candy, chewing gum, and eating are not permitted in the library.
  • Solicitation, selling, advertising, and the dispersal of handouts or applications are not permitted in the Library outside of the designated public-use bulletin boards near the elevators.
  • Follow all rules and regulations of the Bunker Hill Community College, BHCC Student Handbook, Course Syllabus, and all relevant federal, state and municipal laws.

Access to and Use of the Library

  • The BHCC Library is located on the BHCC Charlestown Campus in room N-300, the third floor of the N building.
  • The BHCC Library is open to BHCC students, faculty, staff, and community members.
  • Children under the age of 16 are welcome in the Library but, for their own safety, must be accompanied at all times and continuously supervised by a parent or other responsible adult. Unaccompanied children will be reported to Campus Police and may be taken to the Office of Public Safety after reasonable attempts have been made to locate a parent or guardian. Minors under the age of sixteen are not allowed to use BHCC computers or printers.
  • Minors who are currently enrolled in a BHCC program or class must be accompanied and supervised by an instructor who will be responsible for their safety and appropriate use of the facility and resources.

Adaptive Library Services

The Library works in cooperation with the Disabilities Support Services office. The Library is wheelchair-accessible via Elevator Car-2 in the E building. People using wheelchairs will find tables of acceptable height, restrooms with accommodations, and an accessible entrance directly opposite the elevator. Materials, equipment, and accommodations available to people with disabilities include:

  • Two computers with up to date software.
  • Wheelchair-accessible study tables.

Membership in North of Boston Library Exchange (NOBLE)

The BHCC Library is a member of the North of Boston Library Exchange (NOBLE), which extends the borrowing privileges of students to 26 additional local area libraries: 10 academic, 17 public, and 1 special library. Their catalogs may be searched via the Internet, and materials may be borrowed through the BHCC Interlibrary Loan Service.

Circulation and Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Policy

Circulation and Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Anyone wishing to borrow library materials should bring his ID card, OneCard, or library card to the Lending Services Desk. Patrons cannot check out materials or access online databases if their cards are not registered with the Library. The borrower’s account should be in good standing, showing no outstanding fees or fines.

Library privileges

Library privilege  BHCC OneCard BHCC Student ID card Faculty/staff ID card Other NOBLE library card Other MA library card Community borrower card
Visit the library Yes    Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Use books in library Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Use computers and online databases in library Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Borrow regular books Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Borrow reference books No No No No No No
Borrow reserve items Yes Yes No No No No
Borrow headphones Yes Yes No No No No
Borrow periodicals No No No No No No
Borrow archival and special collections materials No No No No No No
Access our online databases remotely Yes Yes Yes No No No
Place intra-consortial (NOBLE) ILL requests Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Place Commonwealth Catalog ILL requests Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Place OCLC ILL requests Yes Yes Yes No* No* No
Place ILL requests for articles No No Yes No No No

*Patrons may place OCLC ILL requests through the home or main library that issued their barcode

Most circulating materials are due within 14 days of checkout and may be renewed twice, unless another person has requested them. Renewals may be made in person at the Lending Services Desk, over the telephone (617-228-2213), or online using a library password. Reference materials, periodicals, reserve materials, and some display and special collection materials cannot be taken out of the library, but photocopying is allowed.

Borrowing Period

Resource Borrowing Period Renewals Fine Maximum Fee if Lost
Circulating books 14 days 2 10¢ per day $25
Reserves 2 hours though variable none 50¢ per hour $25
DVDs 3 days none $1 per day $50
Headphones 2 hours none 10¢ per hour $25
ILL Items 14 days Based on Lending Library Based on Lending Library Based on Lending Library


  • Reserves are In-Library Use Only. Check out at Lending Services Desk. Please adhere to borrowing period. Fines incurred if late.
  • Reference Materials and Periodicals are In-Library Use Only.
  • Headphones are In-Library Use Only. Check out at Lending Services Desk. Please adhere to borrowing period. Fines incurred if late.
  • Overdue Notices are generally sent two months after items are first checked out.
  • A Book is considered lost if not returned after 90 days.
  • Lost or Damaged Items are billed to the patron at the replacement cost of the item.

Equipment Policy

Equipment Use

General Courtesy to Others

Individuals should use library equipment in a courteous, reasonable, and responsible manner. When using the Library’s resources, patrons are asked to limit their use if others are waiting. Patrons are also asked to remember that the Library is a public place and that they should exercise discretion in viewing, printing, or copying text or graphics that may be offensive to others.

Library Computers and Internet Access

The BHCC College provides public computer workstations and a public wireless network that offer comprehensive access to information and applications. These workstations and the public wireless network are designed to offer the BHCC community access to electronic library catalogs, databases, and other information sources to help users meet the objectives of their studies, research, or other information needs.

Appropriate use guidelines have been established in order to ensure the maximum library-related use of these workstations and laptop Internet connections.

The following activities are considered to be the primary library-related uses for which the computers and laptop Internet connections are reserved:

  • Searching of library catalog, online or electronic databases, and files made accessible by the Library through its website
  • Use of the Internet to complete academic assignments or perform research tasks
  • Use of Library-supported software applications such as word processing, presentation, and spreadsheet software to complete academic assignments or prepare career-oriented documents.

The Library staff will announce Library closing times 30 minutes prior to closing. Computer users must be prepared to finish their work on the computers before closing time.

Patrons are not permitted to install or run software that is not already installed on the Library computers.

First priority will be given to searching library catalogs and databases using library’s computers and wireless network connections

Minors under the age of sixteen are not allowed to use BHCC computers or printers.

Users of library computer equipment must not engage in illegal activity and must abide by the rules, regulations and policies established by the College.

Downloading and Printing

  • Patrons wishing to download files from Moodle and the internet do so at their own risk.
  • Patrons wishing to download PowerPoint files do so at their own risk.
  • The Library currently offers free printing. Student cooperation is requested in the form of responsible use to help keep printing free. Before printing, please consider whether you need all of that paper. Ask a librarian to show you how to print two-sided (duplex) or with multiple slides on a single page.  Please avoid waste.
  • There is a 20-page limit to print jobs. Jobs over 20 pages may be cancelled.
  • By default, Library computers print single-sided (simplex).
  • Four black-and-white printers are available for patron use. By default, Library computers print to the closest printer.
  • Color printing is not available to students on campus. Faculty and staff needing documents printed in color should visit Central Services.

Wireless Internet Access

Bunker Hill Community College provides access to a wireless network for use on campus. The wireless network is publicly accessible but requires authentication in the form of a valid email address. Minors under the age of sixteen may use their own laptops or devices to connect to the wireless network. The campus wireless network is maintained by Tech Support Services. If you have questions, contact them.

Personal Computer and Device Use

  • Patrons are permitted and encouraged to bring their own computers and other electronic devices for use in the Library. Personal electronic devices may be used in any area of the Library as long as the patron complies with all other policies.
  • Electronic devices may be plugged into any open electric receptacle. Patrons may not unplug Library equipment to charge their devices.
  • Patrons are strongly encouraged to monitor their electronic devices at all times. The Library is not responsible for personal items (see BHCC Library Patron Responsibilities).
  • Software downloaded from the Internet may contain computer viruses. Every user is responsible for maintaining virus-checking software on his/her own computer. The BHCC Library is not responsible for damage to any user’s disk or computer, or any loss of data, damage, or liability that may occur from patron use of the Library’s computers or Internet connections.

Copy Machines

  • Two copy machines are available in the Library near the Lending Services Desk.
  • The copiers make both letter- and legal-sized copies at a cost of ten cents per side.
  • The machines accept nickels, dimes, quarters, and $1- and $5-bills only.
  • The Library does not make change, but the machines return change if you make at least one copy.

Fines and Fees Policy

Library materials have specified loan periods. Overdue fines will be assessed for materials returned past the due date or time. Overdue notices are sent electronically, if a patron has an email address on file, or through USPS mail. Overdue notices will be followed by a bill for item(s) not returned to the Library. Failure to receive overdue notices and bills does not absolve students from payment of fines and fees. At the close of each semester, a hold is placed on student college accounts not in good standing with the Library, which prevents course registration, graduation, and release of transcripts.

Overdue fines continue to accrue until all overdue items are received at the Lending Services Desk and processed through regular Library channels. All materials that are not returned by the last day of final examinations each semester will be treated as overdue.

The overdue fine for most circulating material is ten cents per item per day, or fifty cents per reserve item per hour. Fines and fees for other items vary according to format. At checkout, make sure you know when the item is due. Check with Library staff for details.

Students must report damaged or lost materials as soon as possible to the Lending Services Desk to prevent fines from accruing.

Charges for damaged or lost materials will be assessed as follows:
• Accumulated fines, if any, and
• The replacement cost for the item

Most items are charged at the following rates:
• Hardbound Books: $25.00
• Paperbound Books: $15.00
• All media (Cassettes, CDs, Floppy Disks, Videos, DVDs): $50.00
• Museum Passes: $50.00
• Equipment (headphone sets): $75.00

Reserves Policy


Most reserve materials are items chosen by faculty for student use during the semester. Physical reserve items are placed on reserve at the Lending Services Desk. To borrow reserve items present your BHCC OneCard or student ID and provide the name of the instructor, course, and title of the item you wish to borrow. You can search course reserves in the following location: You can search for classes by name, professor or course number.

Most reserve materials are for two-hour in-Library use only. Photocopying is permitted. Reserve DVDs may be viewed in the library using headphones.

Other reserve materials available include headphone sets, dictionaries, and copies of the current college catalog, which are also provided for use in the Library only.

What May Be Placed on Reserve

  • Your lecture notes, syllabi, problem solutions, old exams, etc.
  • Student papers under a pseudonym or anonymously only, with consent from the student
  • Any circulating BHCC library item
  • Personal copies of commercially-produced books, DVDs, VCDs, CDs, audio recordings, CD- or DVD-ROMs, or other audiovisual material
  • Single photocopies of articles, poems, a chapter of a book, or other short readings that fall under the fair use doctrine
  • Print copies of articles to which the library subscribes electronically
  • U.S. and Massachusetts state government publications
  • Any material for which copyright permission has been granted or obtained

What May Not Be Placed on Reserve

  • Non-circulating items from the BHCC library, including but not limited to items from the reference, career, legal materials, and/or archives collections
  • Complete issues of periodicals, journals, magazines, or newspapers
  • Photocopies of a complete book, periodical, journal, magazine, or newspaper
  • Photocopies of more than five chapters from a single book
  • Photocopies of a substantial portion of a copyrighted work
  • Workbooks, books of exercises, or other “consumable” publications. Solutions manuals, instructor editions, and exam files will still be accepted as long as they are designed for the user to read only, not to write in or on.
  • Coursepacks produced by the BHCC bookstore
  • Items owned by anyone other than a) the individual teaching the course, b) the individual providing the material for reserve, c) a department or other organization within BHCC, or d) a library
  • Burned, copied, dubbed, or otherwise illegal copies of copyrighted video and/or audio media
  • Videocassettes (VHSs)

If you have an item not addressed in this list, please ask and we’ll determine whether it can be placed on reserve.