October 20, 2024 to October 26, 2024
Monday, October 21, 2024
Transfer 101 - Preparing and Exploring
(Recommended for students with 0-30 credits)
This workshop will focus on the first two stages of transferring: Preparing and Exploring. Students will receive an overview of statewide transfer programs and incentives, how to transfer credits, searching for colleges, and other resources to clarify the transfer process.
Recommended for students who are learning about transferring for the first time. Its never too early to begin thinking about transfer!
Intro to Engineering lab
Hosted by Professor Erik Siggelkoe
Virtual Paying for Four-Year Colleges
This workshop is designed for students who want to apply for scholarships or understand how to fund your degree. It is recommended for students who are planning or have already applied to a four-year institution, but is not required.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Spring 2025 and Winter 2025 Continuing Student Registration begins
TOEFL Study Groups with Todd Hannig (In-Person)
TOEFL study group meetings
Retracing the Witch Trials - Julia Park Tracey Author Talk and Book Sale
On October 22 the Library & Learning Commons will be hosting Julia Park Tracey for an author talk and book sale in the Reading Room (N-310). Author Julia Park Tracey will present a slide show and talk about the Puritan Era and her book, Silence: A Novel. This starred reviewed novel from Kirkus Reviews features a Puritan woman named Silence who is sentenced to a year of silence by the church elders after emoting in church following three grievous losses. In that year of not speaking, Silence emerges as a woman with a voice—however, not before she is accused of witchcraft. This is the story of Julia’s seventh great grandmother and is deeply researched through Ancestry.com. She will discuss the witch trials, the handicrafts of the era, the constraints on women, and the way women such as Silence Marsh found their voices despite those constraints.
BHCC Stands with Immigrants: Celebrating Our Immigrant Students
Join the Office of Immigrant Student Support Services (ISSS) for a special lunch to celebrate our immigrant students at BHCC and learn from their rich experiences.
'I Stand with Immigrants Day of Action' is an annual initiative started by FWD.US to celebrate and amplify the stories of our immigrant students, as well as build awareness and support for this population throughout our college. As we come together to celebrate during this critical election year, immigrant students, faculty, staff and their loved ones need to stand together now more than ever before.
We will have lunch, listen to a student performance, hear an amazing student panel and learn about the rich experiences of our immigrant community, featuring the work of our Early College Chelsea High School scholars.
Emergency Preparedness and Active Shooter Awareness
This important Run/Hide/Fight Awareness Presentation will prepare attendees to formulate an individualized proactive plan to respond appropriately to an emergency or active shooter scenario in any type of venue or facility. While the probability of this type of scenario happening at BHCC is very low, it’s important to be prepared. This session is open to everyone and lasts approximately 90 minutes.
RSVP to BHCC Police Department at BhccPublicSafety@bhcc.edu
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Visit with Lesley University
Intro to Engineering lab
Hosted by Professor Erik Siggelkoe
International Students - F -1 Visa Interview and Border Preparation Workshop
Join BHCC International Center Director Doni Casula to learn about how to prepare for your F-1 visa interview and get across the border!
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Fall Professional Day – No Classes 1-3:55p.m.
Bunker Hill Community College Transfer Fair
Planning to transfer after you leave BHCC? Each semester, BHCC brings representatives from over 60 colleges and universities across New England to the campus to provide insight into their respective institutions.
Meet with representatives from colleges and universities across New England to learn more about:
● Admissions ● Majors Offered ● Transfer Credit ● Financial aid ● Scholarships ● Student Activities ● Athletics and more
There will be Music, Food, and Prizes!
STEM Week Speaker: Melania Nynka, Ph.D., Astrophysicist and MIT Research Scientist, Chandra X-ray Observatory
25 years ago, astronomy was changed forever with the launch of the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Chandra is one of NASA's flagship Great Observatories (along with the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope) and provides us with the sharpest X-ray images ever taken of the cosmos. This talk will describe the harrowing shuttle launch, feats of engineering that make Chandra possible, and some of the incredible images and scientific breakthroughs that Chandra has provided.
Hosted by Suman Mukherjee
Join in person: Charlestown Campus, Room B-329
Engineering the Quantum World: Pathways to Quantum Technology
Hosted by Prof. Abouhamed Saberi
Join in person: Charlestown Campus, Room B-329
Friday, October 25, 2024
TOEFL Study Groups with Todd Hannig (Virtual)
Remote TOEFL study group meetings will be conducted in Todd Hannig's Webex room: https://bhcc.webex.com/meet/thannig
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Women’s Volleyball vs Massasoit & NECC (TRI-MATCH)
Virtual Career Advising 101 - Career Exploration
This workshop will focus on starting the career exploration process. Students will receive an overview of the career exploration process and complete a Career Coach assessment.