Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Last day for adjusting schedule (add/drop) – 9/23 Late Start classes
Visit with Lesley University
Visit with Boston College - Woods College
Selective College Info Session | Columbia University
Admissions information session with the School of General Studies of Columbia University.
The School of General Studies of Columbia University is a liberal arts college in created specifically for returning and nontraditional students seeking a rigorous, traditional, Ivy League undergraduate degree full or part time.
The typical/average annual scholarship to Columbia GS is $25,000 (this is around the amount a student can expect), and some receive scholarships higher than this, up to $35,000 a year
ICD Info Sessions and Workshop Series: Resume Workshop
This workshop will provide you with the tools to create compelling application materials that stand out to employers. If you have one already, bring your resume for personalized feedback from the Internship and Career Development team. Register for this event on Handshake
Paying for Four-Year Colleges
This workshop is designed for students who want to apply for scholarships or understand how to fund your degree. It is recommended for students who are planning or have already applied to a four-year institution, but is not required.
TOEFL Study Groups with Todd Hannig (Virtual)
Remote TOEFL study group meetings will be conducted in Todd Hannig's Webex room:
MAMI – A Film Dedication
Join the BHCC community for a premiere screening of MAMI, a film dedicated to our elderly and especially to our Latina mothers who are affected by the phenomenon of emigration. It is a poem to alert us how important it is to be close to our loved ones. Because the consequences can be very sad …
A meet & greet with the award-winning Film’s Director, Writer, Producer and Photographer Oldren Romero
Refreshments will be served.