Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Final grades for Winter session visible in BHCC SelfService
BHCC will offer services in-person and virtually for new and returning students. Start Now BHCC events will run November 29, 2023 through January 29, 2024. These events will offer students the opportunity to:
- Apply for admission and drop off documentation (transcripts, etc.)
- Speak to Admissions staff for help choosing your educational pathway
- Apply for financial aid and get your billing and tuition payment questions answered
- Get help completing your testing requirements the same day
- Meet with an advisor to plan and register for classes
- Learn about the special programs, services and opportunities we provide
Register to attend Start Now events and get entered into Door Prize drawings that include two opportunities to win a FREE 3-credit course valued at $690.
This session will explore the radical and less popularly known details about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as featured in his last televised interview with NBC and speeches such as The Other America, and writings in Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community. We will unpack the complexity of who he was to society and address the questions: Who was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, really? What often goes missing in celebrations of his legacy? And How does Dr. King’s legacy inform us today?
Prof. Gordon M. Curry
Medical Laboratory Technician Information Session
Join the Medical Laboratory Department and Admissions & Recruitment staff to learn about the Admissions application process, application requirements, course work, labs, and clinical information for Bunker Hill Community College's Medical Laboratory Technician Associate Degree program.
General Admissions Virtual Information Session
Join a group session to learn about BHCC programs and admissions process.
Our Admissions staff will walk you through of all of the benefits and opportunities that are available to you by becoming a student at BHCC. We will cover information about how to apply, overview of our 100+ Associate Degree & Certificate programs and the various student engagement and student recourses we have on campus to support you and your educational goals. We look forward to seeing you soon!
This presentation is an analysis of religion as an agent of social change. It explores the argument that religion is a source of violence and one that legitimizes the status quo. In contrast, the presentation explores Dr. King’s use of religion as a conduit to assert the claims for civil rights thus leading to the passing of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964.
Prof. George Sleyton
Join by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86118678297?pwd=UlkxQkh2d0N1ZklBZXBZY0JLZ1FhUT09
Meeting ID: 861 1867 8297
Passcode: 750347
Join by phone: +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 861 1867 8297
Passcode: 750347